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Dorian Hawkmoon

Some of my interesting projects


See Drop!

A puzzle and platform game about a drop of water!


Big game about little things. Made with Unity and lot of love.


See Tetris!

Basic clone of Tetris, one of my first attempts of games.

capture of tetris
Too much time lost in code without a lot of results, damn perfectionism!

Caveman Ninja

See Caveman Ninja!

A tribute for Caveman Ninja

caveman ninja

An exercise and, of course, a funny challenge!


See Aye-aye!

Simple text adventure game as an exercise of C++

capture of aye-aye


See Graphiure!

A game engine, almost ready. Used to learn about C++ and the architecture of games engines.

capture of graphiure
Focusing on code, efficiency, lot of ways to do the same things, lot of details... The result is not so impressive, but what a lot of things learned!


See Betaglo!

A glove to control the computer

the glove Betaglo

Wanted to control the computer with my hands, was funny!